Services and Pricing
All projects can be done at sliding-scale rates
First Read and Notes
This level is perfect for works that are 110 pages or under. I will provide you with written notes on your play or screenplay
Play Consultations
This level is for scripts longer than 110 pages. I will provide you with written notes as well as your choice of a phone or video call session
Production Dramaturgy
A production dramaturg is incredibly beneficial to a production. Production dramaturgs provide feedback to the playwrights, directors, designers, and producers, may work as context guides for directors and actors, write program notes, host pre/post-performance discussions with audiences, and more
Other ideas? Let’s talk!
What can a dramaturg do for you and your project? According to (Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of America), here are just a few ideas:
Help develop the mission
Help plan the season
Help look for scriptsNEW PLAYS
Solicit scripts from writers and agents
Read and evaluate new scripts
Track and file those scripts
Write kindly letters to writers whose scripts we won’t be producing
Negotiate with agents
Prepare adaptations and translations
Commission new work
Organize the in-house play reading program
Organize the new play reading program for subscribers
Support those writers whose vision captures our
minds and heartsARTS IN EDUCATION
Establish relationships with local educators
Prepare study guides
Develop production web sites
Write and edit program materials
Plan and lead seminars and symposiaADVOCACY
Affirm the function,
Explore the practice, and
Promote the profession of
dramaturgy and literary management.
Nourish the arts wherever we find them:
in schools,
in communities,
and around the world